
Becky Lloyd Pack 📖 Messaging • Storytelling • Business

👂Helping you become someone people LOVE to listen to ✨ so you can build a business people LOVE to buy from 💪 by playing to your storytelling strengths

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I’m unravelling my business

Hello Reader - my gorgeous subscriber, It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been in your inbox, no? I could explain it away with some self-deprecating nonsense about lack of consistency & blah blah I’ve been busy blah…. but the honest truth is this: I’ve been finding more joy sharing elsewhere lately. From my YouTube channel, to re-purposing episodes into Podcasts and creating more videos on IG & TikTok - I’ve been uninterested in just creating some filler email content that would leave us both...

ISSUE #001 - RITUALS 05/07/22 Today's prompt is all about your personal rituals. Those things that you do in a particular way with enough regularity that they have come to take on meaning in your life. GENERAL REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you have any rituals? Why do you do them? What do these rituals mean to you? What does it bring to your life? Where did these rituals form? BUSINESS SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: Could your product/service become part of a ritual for your audience? What might that ritual...

Last night in bed, the panic hit me. An unbearable weight on my chest, my stomach solid and my jaw clenched tight. I pulled out my journal and the following conversation took place between me and my husband, Joe, who was lying beside me. Him: What are you doing?! Me: Journalling. Him: Why? It's bed time. Me: Because I'm having a mini-anxiety attack. Him: About what? Me: I don't know. My thoughts are just going crazy and I'm spinning out a bit. Him: Well, what are you thinking? Me: I honestly...

body of water under blue and white sky at daytime

I won't lie Reader, up until 8.17am this morning - I've been one of those smug people who's managed to avoid catching the C-Bug. When Joe (my hubby) tested positive within the first week of starting his new job, I was sure I would catch it then. But I didn't. When his brother came to visit a month ago, woke up feeling awful and tested positive that same day, I thought my luck had run out. But once again I managed to dodge it. So when I came home on Sunday after a weekend away at a friends...

people standing on gray concrete floor during daytime

My first ever boyfriend was a total sweetheart… until he dumped me with no warning, the day before he left for university. Ouch. My second ever boyfriend, however, smoked weed for breakfast and was part owner of a couple of local nightclubs. How's that for a comeback? He was 4 years older than me and lived in a pretty grimy flat with his friend… which I thought was incredibly cool. We were together for 18 months before I finished with him, just before leaving for University (turns out my...

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

If I had a penny for every time a smart, intelligent and captivating woman told me she’s not a “good writer" I’d have bought at least 3 more cats by now and finally invested in a high-end capsule wardrobe. You see, I think the process of writing (and creativity in general!) is misunderstood. I believe there's a misconception that people who are “good at writing” poop out spectacular prose without even trying. But honestly? I believe the opposite to be true. People who identify as “good at...

This morning, Lizzo came along and fudged up my morning pages. I’m happily writing away, musing on how I want my day to go, pondering all that I’m grateful for and BOOM, Lizzo’s here. She tells me it’s bad b*tch o’clock, it’s thick-thirty(?) How she’s been through a lot, but she’s still feeling rather flirty. OK? Her arrival is a clear invitation to put down my pen and practise the vocals for my imaginary audition for Pop Idol. But now is not the time, Lizzo. You see, for my morning pages, I...

MacBook Pro near white open book

Yep, you read that right Reader, I've been having an affair. I've been sneaking off behind the Internet bike sheds doing something which feels more than a little naughty 😈 But before I give you a full confession, I hope you'll give me this opportunity to defend myself. Me and my biz-boo have been together for 3 years and 7 months. And I thought She was the love of my creative life. But in April this year, everything changed. The *actual* love of my life got COVID, right in the middle of a...

Excited. Optimistic. Trying. Failing. Hesitant. Obsessive. Chaotic. Overworked. Lacklustre. Trying Again. Hopeful. Humble. Disappointed. Jaded. And reeaaalllly freaking bored of feeling like you're constantly starting from scratch and have zero idea how to make people want your milkshake. Ahhh, the sweet sweet joy of running an online business on your todd, eh? Here's the thing though Reader, it's natural to go through cycles in your business. You, as a human, evolve. You learn new things....

Imposter Syndrome, Pencil Skirts and Giving Less F*cks by Becky Lloyd Pack. Wanna know the worst thing about not having Wifi or a reliable Internet signal in our new place Reader? (5. more. days. people. 😅) It's not that I can't run my Internet business which ya know... relies on having access to the Internet. It's not shopping the Sweaty Betty sale 🛍 and adding a ridiculous amount of things to my basket that I know I'll never buy. It's not even that I can't FaceTime my mum (who also happens...